Tuesday, 31 March 2009

You Need Inspiration and Motivation? Get a Mentor

Motivation, inspiration and self confidence are fantastic attributes to have but they can elude even the most successful people from time to time. So who does the budding entrepreneur turn to when they need some inspiration?

Do they need anybody to turn to at all?

Mentors. Who are these mysterious people that have the answer to all our problems?

Well in fact they don’t. This is why we need more than one. It is why they are also not that mysterious. They are likely to have expertise in one field. As an entrepreneur just starting on the road to success we are going to need advice in many areas of our business. This advice could be financial, legal, technical or educational so we need the experience of several people.

Some of this advice is going to cost money. A good account or solicitor doesn’t come cheap unless we have them amongst our circle of friends. However, many will offer start up advice for free believing that you will use there services once you are up and running. If you can get this type of advice then it is ethical practice to use their services once you need your accounts looked after or a contract drawn up.

Friends or members of our family quite often provide valuable sources of advice and invariably this will also be free. It is great if friends or family become mentors because they are so much more approachable. However, be careful that you don’t offend if you don’t take their advice onboard. Sometimes you end up with conflicting advice from more than one individual and you then have to decide which course of action you are going to take.

It may come as a surprise to many that we can have the rich and successful as mentors too.


So many have published books, set up courses or perform seminars. We can easily, normally for a small fee, discover how they create their success. This is a fantastic way of educating ourselves and tapping into the mindset of the experts. So many books sit on my bookshelves which I take down from time to time to refresh my memory over a tactic or purely just to provide inspiration.

To have mentors such as Richard Branson or Paul McKenna to guide and inspire is a tremendous facility that we all can have. Obviously the choice of successful people will depend on the individual but none the less these people are there for us to follow and emulate.

Another form of mentor is a coach. Very much thought of in the past as the domain of the sporting world, we can get a coach for almost any area of our lives now. Personal trainers, life style coaches, business coaches are all forms of mentors if we need them. At the beginning of an enterprise these types of coaches may not be required, but as a business expands we may need to consider whether we need to hire life style and business coaches to help personnel to grow and fulfil their potential. http://www.whatisthemeaningoffaith.com

As we can see, mentors are a necessity if an enterprise is going to succeed. It is virtually impossible to be successful on our own. Along with advice, they provide motivation, optimism, inspiration and self confidence.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Monday, 30 March 2009

Optimism and Motivation. The Skills of a Great Leader

To be a leader requires many attributes and abilities; qualities such as self confidence, self belief, motivation, optimism and enthusiasm. Having charisma – that charm and personality, also helps particularly in line with the ability to be engaging. To help your team to focus on the goals and fully understand their roles is a must if any task is to be truly successful.

As a commissioning engineer I have had to train many personnel on equipment before handing over for them to maintain. It is extremely rewarding when your audience have fully participated in the training programme and you can see that they have really appreciated the knowledge that has been passed to them.

Back in 2003 I had two visits to Nigeria to commission some water treatment equipment at a tobacco factory in the city of Ibadan. On the second visit, one of my remits was to perform the training not only on the plant that I had been commissioning but also on another companys system to. As I wasn’t overly familiar with this equipment, I felt very apprehensive about conducting the training.

The organisation that I had been sub-contracted to were Yugoslavian and the engineers that I had been reporting to had said

“Don’t worry, these Nigerians won’t ask any questions, the training will soon be over”

These Yugoslavian engineers were conducting some training of their own after my session was over. Tuesday afternoon at 1.00p.m. my time came to perform my training. Gathered around the plant were ten Nigerian guys that at first glance looked totally uninterested.

“Lets go for it” I thought and proceeded to introduce myself.

Now my style was to be light-hearted, not taking myself too seriously. I would obviously go systematically over the equipment but I would throw questions back at them to make sure that they were taking in the information that I was imparting. By the time I had finished talking about the system that I was less familiar with I really felt that I had gotten these Nigerian maintenance staff on my side. I had them then ask me questions and these questions were very intelligent ones. They were interested and I was pleased that my style seemed to be working.

I was becoming more at ease now and when I went on to explain about my “baby”; the piece of equipment that I had commissioned I was in my element. The enthusiasm flowed out and by the end of my training session all these Nigerian maintenance engineers were gathering around me to ask questions about me. I honestly felt that they had taken me to their hearts. It was 4.00p.m.; some three hours later. This had hardly been a short training course and my Yugoslavian friends had still to conduct their training.

In comparison their method was far more serious. They didn’t ask questions of the students and didn’t invite questions back. It was plain to see the Nigerian staff “switching off” and loosing interest. These people were bright, intelligent people who could very easily take in the lessons providing the training was interesting and engaging.

Despite my nervousness at the beginning, I had the self confidence and self belief to get me through the training and win these people over. With the qualities of enthusiasm and optimism I was able to find the ability to provide motivation and inspiration to these Nigerian people.

Terry Norrington



Sunday, 29 March 2009

Never Fear Success is Here

To become a success, there are certain personality traits such as motivation, self confidence, inspiration and leadership skills that are almost certainly a must to reach our dreams. But are these all that are required or are there other attributes needed?

Are these traits the privilege of a fortunate few or can these fantastic skills be learned?

Let’s first consider what the definition of success is. Although the definition of success can be as broad as there are numbers of people, it can be narrowed to the fulfilment of dreams, the achieving of goals and the pursuit of happiness.

Success is very seldom created overnight. It can require patience, time, effort and very often, hard work. Despite all our efforts, midway through a project, when all seems lost and our hopes are dashed, disappointment sets in and the desire to quit becomes strong. Successful people resist the temptation to give up and find something easier to tackle because they have the personality traits to help them through such difficult times. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

These attributes are behavioural traits and they are definitely traits that aren’t confined to a fortunate few but ones that can be learned and developed. It requires a certain strength to reach the desired goals for success. During the journey it is likely that we will encounter rejection, disappointment, pain, regret, sacrifice and perhaps occasionally, depression.

So how do we find the motivation, optimism, inspiration and self confidence to carry on?

Smile in the face of adversity. Failure is a normal fact of life and if we learn to accept failure in a positive light as being part of our education, then we can move on knowing that we have learned a valuable lesson and are less likely to make that mistake again.
Get used to rejection. Some of the most successful ideas have been rejected by people in their early stages of development. Even the Beatles, one of the most successful bands of the 1960s, were rejected by managers and record labels in the early part of their careers. When it is considered that sales people may only convert 1 in 10 of their leads that is still a 90% rejection rate. If we can truly believe in our product and our abilities we can smile at rejection and move on.
Disappointment hits the people with ambition far harder than most. When we are stricken with disappointment we need to rally the troops, take counter measures, change strategy and move on. If something isn’t working we must change the way we are doing it. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

Success requires that we must face and relish the challenges that lie ahead. Adversity should be considered a normal pattern to life and not an unwanted catastrophe. Consider these as a sign that we must reform or change tactics and not that “I tried hard, didn’t succeed so I gave up”.

It becomes obvious that not only are motivation, inspiration, self confidence and optimism required to become that successful entrepreneur but resilience plays a very big part on that journey to success as well.

Fortunately these are personality traits that can be learned and developed and there is hope and optimism for us all.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Friday, 27 March 2009

Love is in the Air

Love and our relationships are very precious and sometimes extremely fragile. At the beginning of a relationship we are walking on air. All seems right with the world and we seem invincible. But sooner or later that honeymoon period ends as familiarity sets in and the relationship becomes comfortable. This leads to taking our partner for granted which in turn causes resentment. Along with those annoying little things that our partner does, the relationship starts to head on a downward slope.

Does this sound familiar?

Are you taking the other half for granted or are you the one being taken for granted?

How can the downward slope be turned into the fantastic climb up the mountain of dreams?

At the beginning we would have observed all the positive attributes about her/him. Those gorgeous eyes, that fit body or the amazing sense of humour. The likelihood is there are still many of those positive attributes still present in our partner. Granted the bum may start to “look big in this” or the belly might be hanging over the belt but personality wise there remains many beautiful traits that first attracted us to our partners and some hidden ones will have emerged as well.

The little things that niggles us, how bad are they really?

Unless our partner has turned into a real life monster, those negative aspects can be ignored with the focus on the many great attributes our partner possesses. Realising that the significant other has some fantastic qualities enables us to focus on the good. Remembering the good times and the fact that you can still have those good times because you still have a lot in common with shared interests, will help the love to grow back into the relationship.

Being positive about our partner doesn’t just amount to what we view. Speak positively in their company. We have to compliment each other and talk about our hopes, our dreams and our aspirations. Focussing on where we want to go and how to achieve this creates fantastic energy and a desire to reach those goals together. As in any other aspect of personal development, being positive ultimately ends with positive results. The Law of Attraction dictates that.

Remember to take an interest in our partners. Finding out about how their day has been and really listening increases their respect for you. Ask them questions and truly listen to the response. Everybody loves to feel that their ideas and opinions mean something to somebody even if their interests revolve around Gillingham Football Club and you haven’t got the faintest interest in football.

Asking questions of our partner and devoutly listening to the answers could actually teach us something about them that we didn’t know. Our interests do change as we move on in life and our opinions do also change. Listening to what our partners have to say and understanding those opinions helps the relationship to evolve. This doesn’t mean to say that you have to agree with everything they say. Having a mind of our own and being able to think for ourselves is a healthy situation.

Both our partners and ourselves have strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses will be different yet combining our strengths will provide for a stronger entity. Despite having the odd disagreements and slight difference of opinions we should never try to compete with each other. Trying to outdo the other and point score is a very damaging activity to follow. Playing mind games determines that somebody will be the winner and a partnership should be a win-win situation.

Practice gratitude. Being grateful for all we have is a very noble action but to express gratitude for all the good things in our relationships will again help the relationship to blossom. It enables us to focus on the positive and all good things come to those who believe that they can have them.

We mustn’t stifle our partners. As much as we are looking for the positives in our relationship, being with our partners night and day can prove suffocating. Every person needs the space to be themselves, this is healthy, but sharing some activities is also healthy for the relationship too.

A healthy, loving relationship creates self confidence and self esteem in us. It provides motivation and inspiration, optimism and hope and together we can face the world together.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Saturday, 21 March 2009

Self Confidence and Inspiration. Help is Close at Hand

One of the most rewarding ways of create success is to help other people become successful too. It is amazing how the joy of helping others gives you motivation, inspiration and energy.

Currently I am involved in a project to help people in Nigeria become successful by educating them in the personal development, a topic so dear to my heart. As much as our education system teaches us wonderful subjects for us to develop in life, the one subject it generally fails to address is teaching the knowledge to be successful. http://www.whatisthemeaningoffaith.com

Self confidence, motivation, optimism, inspiration, self esteem and belief are not only attributes to create success; they are also fantastic qualities for life in general. They help to live life with contentment and happiness rather than fear and worry.

As I have slowly learned to develop my self confidence and create success so I am now keen to show others too. Many people in Nigeria suffer poverty yet have so much potential. They have dreams and aspirations to have so much more. This is a great catalyst to develop hope, optimism and inspiration. But this education isn’t for Nigerian people alone. Every one of us can develop personally, benefit from greater self confidence and create the success that we only dream of.

Terry Norrington



Friday, 20 March 2009

Your Dreams Can Come True With a Penny of Self Confidence

People who are successful appear to have that air of self confidence. They have tremendous motivation, optimism and energy. Successful entrepreneurs seem to have lady luck on their side; or is this strictly true?

Are these people really lucky?

Is that self confidence and self esteem just a façade?

Can anybody achieve success?

It has been said that successful entrepreneurs create their own luck. Throughout their venture they have the heart and bravery to try anything to see if it will work. Many of these do not work but they are not disheartened. They disregard the ideas that do not work and concentrate on those that do work. Failure is not viewed as a bad thing but as a learning curve. Learning happens all of the time. We don’t have to go to university or college to be educated; although these institutions do provide an extremely beneficial part of the education curriculum. Life provides education and making mistakes are part of that education as viewed by entrepreneurs and successful business people. http://www.whatisthemeaningoffaith.com

Once the ideas that do not work are out of the way, this leaves the ones that do work, creating a system for success. Is that luck or being smart?

Successful people have the self confidence in their ability to sort out the successful ideas from the non-workable ideas. They retain faith when things go awry. Some of them have natural self confidence or have been brought up by parents who remain positive or talk in a positive manner. However many others have to work on their self confidence using self confidence techniques to build up their self esteem. http://www.whatisthemeaningoffaith.com

Thinking and talking positively is a necessary tool for creating success. The phrase “self fulfilling prophecy” is such a true term. Thinking negative thoughts will result in those negative thoughts becoming true. Positive thinking therefore brings forth successful results.

Self confidence will come from positive thinking and success will follow that. We have to be aware of the things that can go wrong so that we can guide ourselves around them. But the focus has to be on the positive ideas and to work on these in order to develop success.

No matter what situation we find ourselves in, no matter how low we can get, we can turn things around. History is full of truly inspirational rags to riches stories.

These stories are not one offs, just for the lucky few. These successful people believe in themselves and this faith along with self confidence provides them with the drive to get on in life. http://whatisthemeaningoffaith.com

This same faith and self confidence will provide us all with the motivation, optimism and inspiration to succeed.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Sunday, 15 March 2009

Make Love Not War

Every second or third Sunday I, my wife and two boys visit my mother and father for the afternoon and we have our Sunday lunch there as well; although it is almost evening by the time we sit down to eat. My father thinks he is Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen organising the cooking and the dishing up with order and authority. Woe be tide my mother or brother if they put a foot wrong when helping to get the food to the table.

Both my father and brother partake in the old tradition of the Sunday lunch drink down the local pub. Amongst their friends they debate politics, the economy and generally put the world to right whilst the alcohol slowly takes its effect.

Sometimes these weekly debates spill over to the dinner table as did happen recently. Religion was the subject of conversation and it was expressed that religion was the cause of the majority of the wars. Now I tend to jump right in with the defence of religion.

My argument is that wars are not caused by religion but by people; people who declare that they are fighting in the name of their religion. These people in my view do not grasp the basic principle of their religion, and that is one of peace.

Islam is a very peaceful religion that totally opposes violence as does Christianity.
Wars tend to be started because of somebody’s greed, lust for power or the fundamental idea that a culture or religion is the only way that nations should live their lives by and will not rest until the world falls into line. Fundamentalism, the fight for their religion or culture to reign over all others is the reason that wars are fought - in the name of religion.

Stating that religion causes war is like saying that Football Clubs cause football hooliganism. Yobs gather to fight in the name of Millwall or Birmingham City but it is not Millwall or Birmingham City Football Clubs that cause the riots; it’s the people doing so in the name of their Football Club. And in truth, are these hooligans really football supporters?

Many of them wouldn’t know the offside rule anyway.

Everybody is entitled to live and let live. Everybody is entitled to their own point of view. Forcing a way of life and beliefs onto other people is a huge reason why wars are started. Fundamentalism exists amongst all religions and yet these people refuse to see the harm they are doing to their religion, home and country.

How much motivation, inspiration and self belief is needed to create a world of peace? To be in a world where all religions, cultures and individuals can live side by side without disturbance would be an ideal dream.

How fantastic would that be?

Terry Norrington



Friday, 13 March 2009

Be A Successful Entrepreneur With That Self Confidence Factor.

Is self confidence the be all and end all of success?

How great a part does self confidence play in being successful?

Self confidence certainly plays a major part in success. Self confidence is the belief that you can handle certain situations when they arise. You have that resounding self belief that you have the skills necessary to tackle any task required or that you can develop them when needed, which in turn provides the motivation to see any objective through to the end. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

Self confidence is beneficial in both social and professional spheres. Without it you will more than likely miss out on many opportunities to be successful. A lack of self confidence in the social arena could very well mean missing out on the love of your life. That attractive young lady or the dashingly handsome fellow goes off with somebody else because you hadn’t had the courage to go up to them and talk. Professionally how many job interviews could you be failing in because your lack of self confidence has been picked up or sensed by the interviewer.

Listed here are some very interesting facts about self confidence:-

Self confidence is learned and not inherited. For the most naturally self confident person this has still been learned from their parents or the environment in which they are submerged. And for those where self confidence doesn’t come naturally, it can be learned using many different self confidence techniques.
Amongst every individual the level of self confidence will vary dependant on the task being performed. A burly weightlifter will probably have grave doubts about his ability to ballet dance.
Levels of self confidence will vary dependant on events. In times of grief self confidence may well be lacking along with the will to perform certain tasks.
External factors will have a strong bearing on levels of self confidence. If you are rich or if somebody truly loves you, you will have far more self confident than if you are first starting to acquire wealth or looking for that first love.

Lack of self confidence may seem to stem from many varied reasons. In fact the root cause is a common thread. That thread is of having irrational ideas about yourself.

Why do you think you are ugly?

Why do you think you are worthless?

If you evaluate these questions you will probably see that you are not ugly and definitely not worthless. The ideas have come from somebody else, a source of which you have trusted. In your adult years you can rationally see that these ideas hold no real rationale but yet it seems hard to eradicate these beliefs. Other peoples judgements have become your own.

Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to help you overcome irrational ideas and beliefs. Positive ideas about yourself and your abilities will help you become that self confident person. When you are in a state of relaxed concentration (trance like state), the subconscious mind is more receptive to new ideas and suggestions making it easier to install the belief that you can be more confident. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

A very simple three step hypnosis programme can soon create far greater self confidence.

Identify irrational beliefs causing you to suffer from a lack of self confidence.
Use a trusted hypnotist or practice self hypnosis to install new more confident suggestions and beliefs into the subconscious mind.
Repeat each day and monitor progress until self confidence sets in. http://www.whitedovebooks.co.uk/nlp/hypnosis-mp3.htm#terryn1

Without doubt self confidence is a master quality to have for entrepreneurs who are striving for success. With it you will have motivation, inspiration and optimism to build the life of your dreams.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Wednesday, 11 March 2009

GOAL!! Yes You Need Them If You Want The Motivation To Be Successful.

Many people appear to be happy just taking each day as it comes without any great desire or motivation to improve their lives. They are contented with their lot and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that attitude. For others though, they want to progress in life, build success and make things happen.

For every entrepreneur that sets out to create a successful business they need to set goals. Without goals the venture becomes like a ship without a rudder; directionless. By setting goals and doing our utmost to keep them we are creating a path for the business to follow.

Goals should be long term, medium term and short term. In the long term you visualise how big you want the business to grow to, the amount of staff you would like to employ, the type of business premises you would like and its location. Medium term goals are a little more specific, painting a picture of where your business will be in six months time, a year or three years.

Short term goals are the ones that you aim to achieve daily and weekly. These set out all the detailed things that require to be done to help the business grow and fulfil the medium and long term dreams. Every time a short term goal is reached it strengthens our self confidence and self belief that we can achieve success. There is nothing like a little bit of success to provide the motivation to create even more success.

Goals don’t have to be just about creating a business. If we want to be successful in any walk of life, goals help us reach our dreams more effectively and quickly. Sportsmen and women in particular use goals to continuously improve and reach their pinnacle of performance.

Setting goals and achieving them is a success that should be celebrated. By celebrating success you have the motivation, inspiration and self confidence to push on further.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Tuesday, 10 March 2009

How to Keep Yor Optimism and Motivation When Your World is Falling Apart

When times are hard do you loose that sense of motivation and optimism?

Does your self confidence and self esteem disappear when the unexpected happens?

When your expectations aren’t met do you feel despair?

Although these are the feelings of many in times of trouble, by re-aligning our point of view about setbacks we can start to appreciate that we are receiving feedback. From this feedback we can learn and change our strategies. http://www.2knowmyself.com/success/adapting_to_unwanted_unexpected_situations

Accept change.
We all like stability in our lives. But to expect the boat never to rock or our expectations to always be met is rather unrealistic. Changing circumstances are a normal fact of life and we have to accept the inevitable; that change happens.
Feeling depressed or sorry for ourselves is a negative emotion that will slow us down and cloud any vision that we might need to change our position. Accepting change as part of life builds self confidence to handle the ups and downs of life and provides the inspiration to cope with any new situation.

What happens to the mind.
Whenever we are faced with difficult situations our subconscious minds searches through the database for various options and solutions. Once found these options are applied whether they are negative as in depression or positive as in taking action. We have to remove the negative options and decide to be positive the next time things don’t go our way.

Once negative options are erased, our subconscious mind delves for new ideas. It is surprising how new and positive options are now free to surface.

Be prepared.
It does help to be prepared for changes. Expect the unexpected. Taking this attitude means less disappointment when difficult times occur. This is not about taking a pessimistic stance; more the fact that facing up to change means we are less likely to panic in times of adversity.

Company managers and directors face unexpected circumstances on a daily basis. Yet they find solutions, they do not panic and never despair. Feeling bad is never an option.

We are the bosses of our own lives. When change occurs we mustn’t feel blue but instead we need to alter our approach, be flexible, work harder or even simply start all over again. Just don’t feel bad.

A couple of analogies.
Water changes shape to fit its container. Likewise we need to change to fit the situation or our environment.

If we are sitting in a room when all of a sudden the lights go out, we very soon start to see through the darkness. Our eyes adjust accordingly. When faced with our own personal darkness, there is no need to panic or feel sad. Just adjust accordingly and look for the light switch. This will restore our self esteem, inspiration, optimism, motivation and self confidence.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Saturday, 7 March 2009

Don't Get Angry. Stay in Control of Your Life and Your Optimism.

We all get angry from time to time. It can lower our self esteem and drain us of energy and inspiration. How many of us feel guilty when the red mist forms?

If anger makes us act irrationally, later regretting our words or actions then anger can be perceived as being destructive. But if anger can be controlled and channelled it can be a useful and productive emotion.

So what are the things that make us angry and sap us of all motivation?

The list is enormous but can include some of the following:-

People jumping ahead of us in queues.
Too much work being placed upon us and getting stressed in the process.
Being told off by our superiors at work especially when it is unjustified.
Team members not pulling their weight.
Things going wrong when you have the least time for it.
Being poked fun of.
Being afraid. Anger can be caused by fear.

Some if not all of these will have been experienced at some point or other. http://www.whitedovebooks.co.uk/audio/anger/index.html#terryn1

Anger is a mechanism stemming from the subconscious mind when defending our rights, things going unexpectedly wrong or we are frightened. The emotion of anger is launched to help us try and regain control of a situation.

Uncontrolled anger can be destructive. Who remembers the episode of “Fawlty Towers” when Basil Fawlty beats his car with a tree branch when it breaks down?

However, suppressing anger can lead to depression. One definition of depression is “anger turned inward”. Suppressed anger will come out in one way or another eventually. This may be in the form of bad dreams, unexplained moodiness or bursts of unexplained anger. Rather than being angry with the boss and going home and taking out on the cat, here are some great techniques that have proved invaluable for controlling anger and regaining some self control and self esteem:-

Control self talk. On the way to work we can be having thoughts like “my boss is going to give me a shed load of work today”. As this thought goes over and over in our minds, the anger grows and by the time we get to work we can be fuming. We need to be practicing positive self talk to keep us calm. Also, after a period of anger, positive self talk can help us to calm down and focus on the present again.
Assertiveness. This is the art of communication that allows us to stand up for our rights without being violent or aggressive. There are many articles and publications that lecture on the subject of assertiveness. http://www.2knowmyself.com/directory/31
Washing Our Face. This may sound odd, but if you are near a wash basin next time you feel angry, give it ago.
Changing our position. If we are standing up when we feel angry, sit down. If we are sitting down then lie down.
Relaxation techniques. By learning to relax we can let go of anger almost at will if relaxation techniques have been practiced often enough that it becomes automatic.
Workout or Run. By working out or running any anger is released without taking it out on the wrong people. We very often find that are performance when working out or running is greatly improved if we are venting off some anger at the same time. http://www.whitedovebooks.co.uk/audio/anger/index.html#terryn1

Anger can be constructive or destructive. Controlling anger can actually be very beneficial and won’t cause lack of self esteem, self confidence, motivation or optimism. We won’t feel guilty either.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Are You After Money, Rewards and Abundance? Read On!!!

Many people consider success to be purely financial. For some the creation of a healthy bank balance gives them self esteem, self confidence and pride. Money talks. Undoubtedly having money can provide peace of mind and security but the love of money above anything else can lead to a very shallow life.

The abundance that is there for everybody to obtain doesn’t come from money alone; it come from having a fulfilling life, taking on adventures and living your dreams. The word “reward” conjures up images of money; money earned or money gained from passing on information. But the rewards in life can be so much greater. Giving and helping others breeds contentment and satisfaction to a degree that many other activities fail to achieve.

Obviously raising money for charity is a noble thing to do. Even charities need money to survive. I can remember as a schoolboy doing events like sponsored swims and sponsored silences (yes I did manage to do this). At such a tender age I can still recall the pride that I felt having given my time selflessly.

In my adult years, doing walks for childrens’ charities was my “thing” for a little while. Not only did I feel that sense of joy and self esteem again, I also felt that I had achieved by pushing myself to complete the course. Come November time BBC Television and Radio presents a bonanza of fund raising events all in aid of childrens’ causes. Two years on the trot I was able to participate by manning the phones at our local BBC Radio Station collecting all the pledges as they came rolling in. I really felt a tremendous buzz as I had contributed to such a fantastic fund raiser as BBC Children in Need.

Doing good works for others doesn’t necessarily have to come in the name of charity. We can do good deeds every day. Even our work can provide a sense of satisfaction when we are able to help to provide a service for someone. Going that extra mile, doing that little bit more for somebody beyond what we are paid for can provide enormous rewards, and yes, sometimes that can mean financially as well.

Paul, a good friend of mine used to be a project manager in the IT industry. He earned good money but unfortunately he ended up being made redundant. Because the computer world was inundated with a wealth of talented people he found it very difficult to get another job in IT. Eventually he took a job teaching unemployed people literacy and numeracy and helping them to get job placements. Some of these people could be difficult to handle as they didn’t really want to be there, only being on the course because of the threat of withdrawal of their benefits. But occasionally he would get the one person who made it into the job market and was extremely grateful for the help they have received. This was the jewel in the crown for Paul which made his job so rewarding. The pay was poor in comparison to his previous work but he still teaches literacy and numeracy today, albeit for a supermarket chain where his students are more willing, thus the rewards of satisfaction come thicker and faster.

I have tremendous pleasure in referring back to some work I did in Nigeria in 2003. Having commissioned some Water Treatment Equipment I had to train the maintenance staff on the operation and maintenance of the equipment. It was so visible in their faces that my presentation had gotten through to them and that it had been of great interest and relevance. At the end of my training they were asking lots of questions, not just about the equipment but about me. Again the rewards were so deeply gratifying.

This year I am hoping to do more charitable work. It is my intention to sign up for a project for which I will spend a week in Rumania, along with other like minded people, constructing extensions to an orphanage for children with learning difficulties. http://www.cryinthedark.co.uk/

Helping others to better their lives is a reward in its self. It’s surprising how doing things selflessly for others without striving for money can provide inspiration and motivation for others to do the same. It also does wonders for your self confidence and self esteem too.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



Sunday, 1 March 2009

How to Provide Motivation to Persuade People to Come Around to Your Way of Thinking

Some people seem to be naturally gifted with the power of persuasion. Optimism, inspiration and self confidence radiates with every word they say. Their personality is adorned with charisma and others trust implicitly every word they speak.

So what techniques are these people using that make their points of view so compelling?

One mistake that many people make when trying to convince somebody to do something or believe in something, is to present their reasoning without due regard to the other persons existing points of views.

It becomes necessary to try to think of all the opposing arguments so that you can tackle each one by one. Usually people are hard to convince because they have many reasons to oppose what you are trying to say. If you can answer all their arguments effectively you can more easily start to programme their subconscious mind into believing what you want them to believe. You will know when an argument has been countered effectively when the person moves onto the next point without returning back to the previous one. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

There are at least three reasons why somebody may be initially opposed to what you have to say.

Belief Conflict

Somebodys’ beliefs are opposed to your own despite the fact that these beliefs may not even be backed up by hard evidence. For many centuries people believed that the world was flat and that there was a point where we could all fall off. It took a lot of hard persuading and much evidence to change that belief system.

Greater Knowledge

Someone has a greater knowledge on the subject on which you are trying to have your say. Try to convince an astronomer that the sun is nearer to the earth than the moon and you task is nigh on impossible because he knows differently.


These types of people will doubt almost anything. They have to be absolutely convinced about a point before accepting it, usually needing to see facts and evidence first.

So how do you go about persuading these hard to convince people of your point of view or command?

Shaking Beliefs

Talk assertively and with confidence about your subject matter. If their beliefs are not founded on sound knowledge, a manner of authority will cause doubts about their beliefs.

Undermining Knowledge

The idea is to convince the person that you are an authority on their subject. This is far more important than trying to convince them of a specific idea. By doing this you become a trusted source in the minds of their subconscious which in turn becomes easier to programme. In order to prove your authority on their subject matter, you will probably need to highlight documents and point out clues in order to support your thinking.

Convincing a Sceptic

Sceptics can be persuaded of a new idea provided that again, evidence can support your words. The more clues that can be provided the easier your task becomes. http://www.2knowmyself.com/

Now that all initial arguments have been overcome the programming of their subconscious mind starts. List all the benefits of your idea or command that you want the other person to take on board. Be assertive when delivering these benefits and repeat them over and over again. Constant repetition will shake any belief system as long as the conscious mind can be by-passed or you have become a trusted source.

It really helps if you truly believe in what it is you are trying to sell. A totally belief in your idea gives you self confidence and you will sound far more convincing to the other person. It is the entrepreneur who really believes in his product that becomes the success.

It may sound like the advice is to manipulate people into believing in your idea or doing what you want them to do. The word “programming” possibly makes people seem like computers. The whole point is to understand the mechanics of the techniques. These techniques are being used on us inadvertently many times a day. Conversations express points of views that are conveyed to all involved and these words are stored in our minds at a subconscious level. It is just a natural process.

Once opposition to your idea can be overcome, your idea expressed with optimism, self confidence and inspiration can be much more easily sold.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

