Thursday 17 December 2009

Decorate Your Life with Faith

What is the meaning of faith?

The last two or three weeks I have been taken away from my love of blogging about faith and personal development by other rather pressing issues, including that of decorating the landing, stairs and hallway ( at my wife’s insistence ). Decorating is a chore that I neither love nor hate; I just kind of do it. Yet there is a wonderful sense of achievement as one gets towards the end and it all comes together.

When decorating, I have the image in my head of the final product; what the room will look like when my work is finished. It is this image that drives me on during the grotty phase of preparation, the stripping of wallpaper and the sanding of the paintwork. But the preparation is so important, creating strong foundation for the finished work. Although it isn’t always appreciated, each step is a step closer to that ultimate design. Then there comes a phase when it all starts to take shape; as the image becomes reality. The motivation to carry on to the finishing line is high as the fruits of labour become evident.

To create a bonsai tree, its creator goes through the same process, forming bold images of how he wants the tree to look at the end of his efforts. He nurtures the plant, making cuts here and snips there, giving it the right amount of water to thrive. Eventually his creation takes shape, in the form of the image he has so strongly held in his mind.

When we strive for success at whichever endeavour we choose, we need to have strong mental images; bold pictures of the successful end result. These positive paintings we create in our minds give us the drive to succeed and we can then formulate a plan and set goals as we begin to create and achieve that dream.

We reap what we sow; if we have negative thoughts we are planting seeds that become
the weeds that nobody wants. If we think positive thoughts we plant the seeds of fruitfulness and our tree flourishes with an abundance of that fruit, the fruit for which we so strive for.

God helps us achieve those dreams. He holds our hand as we take each step. Sometimes the dream seems far away as the drought sets in and the plant seems to lack water. But God guides us through these difficult patches and he also provide times of plenty with water to spare, creating the opportunity for the seed to grow and develop into the wonderful plant we had so brightly visualized at the start of the dream.

The Law of Attraction states that if we want something then we have to believe; totally believe that we already have what it is that we desire. If we pray to God for his help, then we have to have absolute, unwavering faith that he will provide. When we know that God is by our side, granting us his unconditional help and love, we can rest easy and our mental images of success our so much easier to harvest.

Any one of us can change our thought patterns from negative to positive ones. We all have the ability to control our thoughts if we so desire. Having an unflappable faith in God though makes thinking positively so much easier.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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