Tuesday 20 January 2009

Greatly Improve Your Self Esteem Through Your Subconscious Mind

All our emotions such as optimism, self esteem, motivation, inspiration and confidence are triggered from our subconscious mind. This mysterious and magical part of the brain has so much effect on our everyday lives and yet we hardly know much about it and how it works.

So what is the subconscious mind and how does it affect us, our optimism and self confidence so much?

The subconscious mind could be viewed as the storage space for everything not currently taking space in the conscious mind. It stores memories, life experiences, skills, our belief system and all images ever seen.

When faced with any given situation, the subconscious mind triggers appropriate emotions based upon previous life experiences. Upon placing ourselves in danger, fear and anxiety kick in, triggered from the subconscious mind.

Learning to drive is a terrific example of learned skills being stored in the subconscious mind. When first learning to drive and confidence is in short supply, the conscious mind forces us to concentrate with every gear change, turn of the steering wheel and application of the brakes being a deliberate action. Once the driving test is out of the way these actions are passed from the conscious mind to the subconscious part of the brain and confidence and self esteem make driving an automatic process. The conscious mind is free to focus on other things. How many times have we driven from A to B and not been able to remember the journey?

Through the conscious mind we are able to control logic, thought and calculation. The subconscious mind however controls automatic, life sustaining processes such as the heart beat and breathing. Try concentrating for one minute on our breathing. This proves relatively easy as we control the depth and frequencies of each breath. Remove the focus and still we find that we breathe quite naturally.

When we learn a skill such as driving it is like programming a computer. Our subconscious mind is the computer and the driving skill is the software. Emotions are equally like software. If somebody shouts at us aggressively, our subconscious mind reaches for the anger software. Yet this particular computer can be reprogrammed to accept different software so long as the subconscious mind is still protecting our emotional well-being. In the face of aggressive action the subconscious can be programmed to respond calmly yet focussed in order to deal with the situation in the most rational manner possible.

Reprogramming the subconscious mind can be done through hypnosis and constant repetition without logic ever playing a part. Constant repetition of an argument can alter somebody’s point of view despite the absence of logic.

As the body defends against physical wounds and injuries, so the subconscious mind protects against emotional shocks and wounds. This ego defence mechanism protects emotional well-being and helps overcome emotional shocks.

In essence the conscious and subconscious minds work as a team. The conscious mind deals with current tasks and then assigns them to the subconscious mind. The subconscious on the other hand, sends feedback in the form of emotions to the conscious mind. Being aware of the link between conscious and subconscious mind can greatly improve skills and mastery of emotions.

Awareness of the function of the subconscious mind gives us the ability to master such emotions as optimism, self esteem, confidence, inspiration and motivation; all positive emotions that greatly improve the chances of success and happiness.

Terry Norrington



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