Sunday 25 October 2009

How to be Unsuccessful

What is the meaning of faith?

What do we want to be successful for?

Waking up in the morning feeling great, feeling in control, feeling victorious.

Who wants that?

It gives you energy, then that means you have to get involved with things to burn that energy off. It would mean we’d have to be constructive and make positive contributions to the world, have things in life we really want.

Is that really how we want our lives to be?

Do we rally want loads of friends, a happy family with laughing children around our feet?

Isn’t it better to have false beliefs?

At least with false beliefs we can limit our potential, limit our abilities. If we really can’t have happiness and success we can wallow in our misery, not have to live up to expectations, watching everybody else have what they want knowing we couldn’t possibly have that.

External influences. This is a great one. We can blame other things, other people for us not making our lives better. Yes, then that takes the pressure off and we can then live with our consciences because it wasn’t our fault. It wasn’t our fault the exam board set the exams so hard that we failed. Yeh, forget the fact we couldn’t be bothered to revise.

No perseverance.

How does the saying go?

“If at first you don’t succeed, give up”. Sounds like a good motto to live our lives by to me.

Why should we be bothered to exhaust all avenues to live our dream?

That sounds to much like hard work to me. If we fall over and hurt ourselves that’s a good enough reason to give up, isn’t it?

Be flexible?


If something doesn’t work, surely there isn’t another method to get the same result. That means being adaptable, having to think a little deeper, study a bit harder to find away around obstacles. We might have to start talking to people to see if they have solutions, and find out what they might think. We know what they will think. They will think we are stupid.

It isn’t worth it is it?

Then there’s the bit about planning, setting goals. Look, if we don’t plan to get ahead, well, somebody else will. If we don’t plan to get that highly paid job, somebody else will. If we don’t plan to get that fantastic house, somebody else will. We don’t want to set goals. That might put pressure on us to achieve them.

No it’s much better not to plan, isn’t it?

Self-confidence. Wow now, surely we’re better off being the shy one. All said and done, we’re protected if we live up to our belief that we cannot do it. Our feelings are protected. Let’s face it, if we start taking risks we’re only going to fail.

And then what will people think?

No, it’s much more comfortable to have no self-confidence. If we want self-confidence we need to practice all that self-confidence stuff, and we might feel inclined to get off our backsides and get on with things.

Besides we’re frightened. We’re frightened of stepping into the dark. We don’t know every step to take even if God is there to show us the way.

And what if we do become successful?

How do we handle success?

We’re only used to failure aren’t we chaps? ….. Chaps……Hello…..Where are you?

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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