Sunday 1 February 2009

Get Rid of That Debilitating Inferiority Complex and Develop Great Self Esteem

There is nothing like an inferiority complex to destroy motivation, inspiration and self confidence. Self esteem can greatly be affected by feelings of inferiority too, so what is an inferiority complex and how do we overcome it?

The causes of inferiority complex.

Unfortunate or even catastrophic events of the past which have lead to you labelling yourself as inadequate or unworthy are the most common reasons that an inferiority complex has developed. Such events could be:-
Coming from a different race to your peers and being ridiculed for it.
Mocked by your teachers or peers by calling you lazy or stupid.
Being handicapped.
Feeling ugly compared to your peers.
Not being skilled at a popular sport.
Parents continuously putting you down.
Coming from a lower social level than your peers.

Sometimes it is very hard to get to the root cause of your inferiority complex. Childhood memories can be deeply locked away in the memory. Hypnosis is a very powerful way of unlocking from your subconscious mind, those hidden memories that may well be creating feelings of inferiority.

You feel different from others which give feelings of being disadvantaged. If you aren’t particularly clever but had the fortune to be surrounded by encouraging teachers and loving parents you would have, more likely than not, grown up with no feelings of inferiority and a self esteem fully balanced.

Some people compensate for their inferiority complex by striving to achieve in other areas such as sport or their studies. Many high achievers can attribute their success to an inferiority complex which, to some degree, isn’t a bad thing.

Other people will mask their feelings of inferiority by acting superior to everybody else thus developing a superiority complex.

Overcoming an inferiority complex and low self esteem.

As mentioned earlier, the root cause of the inferiority complex needs to be discovered. Hypnosis may well help this process.
Don’t associate your inferiority complex with current external conditions. Not achieving your grades, driving high performance cars or generally not being successful are current external factors. Inferiority comes from within. There are many people who spend their lives achieving great wealth and power and yet still never conquer those inferior feelings.

Self talk in the positive. By catching all those negative thoughts and comments and replacing them with positive ones about yourself, and then repeating this over and over again will eventually allow you to think positively automatically.
Remove those labels that you have allowed to develop through your lifes journey. Those labels such as “fool” or “idiot” that you some how associate with yourself need to be challenged and erased to greatly improve your self esteem and confidence.
The use of hypnosis under professional guidance is an extremely powerful tool to banish an inferiority complex.
Rebuild your self confidence. Remember you are not your behaviour or your looks. You don’t have to have everything in life or be perfect at everything to feel worthy.

Removing an inferiority complex will greatly improve self confidence, self esteem, motivation and inspiration whilst allowing you to live your life with tremendous optimism.

Terry Norrington

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