Sunday 15 February 2009

How the Law of Attraction Can Create Great Wealth and Abundance

Jason was the bloke that everybody liked to criticise. He was naturally self confident, with plenty of self esteem and optimism. He had the gift of the gab and always had a gorgeous girl on his arm. A natural salesman he had great abundance in his life. When he went to the “bookies” he nearly always came out on top, with more money than he went in with. Yet everybody knocked him, trying to pick holes in every trait of his personality.


Envy probably. People just didn’t like to see someone having a quality of life that really they wanted for themselves. It was far easier to criticise than to create the self confidence and self esteem that Jason had. Fortunately, what people thought and said mattered not one jot to Jason. He was way to busy producing and enjoying the riches that he had discovered.

We can all enjoy abundance and great riches too. Just like Jason we need that self belief that we can have, and will have riches. That fantastic natural law of attraction will bring those riches to those who wholeheartedly believe they can have them. Just about every great, successful person has that self belief that firstly, they can achieve success, and secondly, that once they have it, they deserve their success and can keep it. Some of these people may not be aware of their self confidence; it is something they have inherited. But for many others they have removed the barrier of natural pessimism using self confidence techniques and creating tremendous self esteem to orchestrate their success.

If you naturally think the worst, think that if you prepare yourself for the worst, then you won’t be disappointed, then guess what? You will not be disappointed. The worst WILL indeed happen. That again is this Law of Attraction. To attract great abundance you must clearly visualise abundance. Visualise and dream of all the things you want in life. See them as a clear image in your mind. Believe you CAN have them and don’t allow this vision to fade. Allowing negative thoughts to crawl their way back in will only restrict the flow of riches to you. I know this is easier said than done but you must be alert to those old thoughts worming their way back into your subconscious mind.

When formulating positive images to improve self confidence and magnetically attract abundance, concentrate on yourself and everything you want to achieve. Refrain from visualising harm being inflicted onto others or imagining others failing. To create true richness, harmony needs to prevail between you and all people you encounter in life. With this type of attitude we can all live in a world where a spirit of co-operation exists, where each person is willing to help the next.

Willing ill on your neighbour very seldom hurts that neighbour. Instead you end up hurting yourself, draining energy from within with the bitter emotions that have built up inside. Be a “Jason”. Look to enrich your life and concern yourself with what you can do to improve your lot. Develop your self esteem, optimism, motivation and inspiration and help yourself to achieve great abundance and wealth.

Terry Norrington

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