Tuesday 10 March 2009

How to Keep Yor Optimism and Motivation When Your World is Falling Apart

When times are hard do you loose that sense of motivation and optimism?

Does your self confidence and self esteem disappear when the unexpected happens?

When your expectations aren’t met do you feel despair?

Although these are the feelings of many in times of trouble, by re-aligning our point of view about setbacks we can start to appreciate that we are receiving feedback. From this feedback we can learn and change our strategies. http://www.2knowmyself.com/success/adapting_to_unwanted_unexpected_situations

Accept change.
We all like stability in our lives. But to expect the boat never to rock or our expectations to always be met is rather unrealistic. Changing circumstances are a normal fact of life and we have to accept the inevitable; that change happens.
Feeling depressed or sorry for ourselves is a negative emotion that will slow us down and cloud any vision that we might need to change our position. Accepting change as part of life builds self confidence to handle the ups and downs of life and provides the inspiration to cope with any new situation.

What happens to the mind.
Whenever we are faced with difficult situations our subconscious minds searches through the database for various options and solutions. Once found these options are applied whether they are negative as in depression or positive as in taking action. We have to remove the negative options and decide to be positive the next time things don’t go our way.

Once negative options are erased, our subconscious mind delves for new ideas. It is surprising how new and positive options are now free to surface.

Be prepared.
It does help to be prepared for changes. Expect the unexpected. Taking this attitude means less disappointment when difficult times occur. This is not about taking a pessimistic stance; more the fact that facing up to change means we are less likely to panic in times of adversity.

Company managers and directors face unexpected circumstances on a daily basis. Yet they find solutions, they do not panic and never despair. Feeling bad is never an option.

We are the bosses of our own lives. When change occurs we mustn’t feel blue but instead we need to alter our approach, be flexible, work harder or even simply start all over again. Just don’t feel bad.

A couple of analogies.
Water changes shape to fit its container. Likewise we need to change to fit the situation or our environment.

If we are sitting in a room when all of a sudden the lights go out, we very soon start to see through the darkness. Our eyes adjust accordingly. When faced with our own personal darkness, there is no need to panic or feel sad. Just adjust accordingly and look for the light switch. This will restore our self esteem, inspiration, optimism, motivation and self confidence.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington



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