Saturday 21 March 2009

Self Confidence and Inspiration. Help is Close at Hand

One of the most rewarding ways of create success is to help other people become successful too. It is amazing how the joy of helping others gives you motivation, inspiration and energy.

Currently I am involved in a project to help people in Nigeria become successful by educating them in the personal development, a topic so dear to my heart. As much as our education system teaches us wonderful subjects for us to develop in life, the one subject it generally fails to address is teaching the knowledge to be successful.

Self confidence, motivation, optimism, inspiration, self esteem and belief are not only attributes to create success; they are also fantastic qualities for life in general. They help to live life with contentment and happiness rather than fear and worry.

As I have slowly learned to develop my self confidence and create success so I am now keen to show others too. Many people in Nigeria suffer poverty yet have so much potential. They have dreams and aspirations to have so much more. This is a great catalyst to develop hope, optimism and inspiration. But this education isn’t for Nigerian people alone. Every one of us can develop personally, benefit from greater self confidence and create the success that we only dream of.

Terry Norrington

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