Sunday 29 March 2009

Never Fear Success is Here

To become a success, there are certain personality traits such as motivation, self confidence, inspiration and leadership skills that are almost certainly a must to reach our dreams. But are these all that are required or are there other attributes needed?

Are these traits the privilege of a fortunate few or can these fantastic skills be learned?

Let’s first consider what the definition of success is. Although the definition of success can be as broad as there are numbers of people, it can be narrowed to the fulfilment of dreams, the achieving of goals and the pursuit of happiness.

Success is very seldom created overnight. It can require patience, time, effort and very often, hard work. Despite all our efforts, midway through a project, when all seems lost and our hopes are dashed, disappointment sets in and the desire to quit becomes strong. Successful people resist the temptation to give up and find something easier to tackle because they have the personality traits to help them through such difficult times.

These attributes are behavioural traits and they are definitely traits that aren’t confined to a fortunate few but ones that can be learned and developed. It requires a certain strength to reach the desired goals for success. During the journey it is likely that we will encounter rejection, disappointment, pain, regret, sacrifice and perhaps occasionally, depression.

So how do we find the motivation, optimism, inspiration and self confidence to carry on?

Smile in the face of adversity. Failure is a normal fact of life and if we learn to accept failure in a positive light as being part of our education, then we can move on knowing that we have learned a valuable lesson and are less likely to make that mistake again.
Get used to rejection. Some of the most successful ideas have been rejected by people in their early stages of development. Even the Beatles, one of the most successful bands of the 1960s, were rejected by managers and record labels in the early part of their careers. When it is considered that sales people may only convert 1 in 10 of their leads that is still a 90% rejection rate. If we can truly believe in our product and our abilities we can smile at rejection and move on.
Disappointment hits the people with ambition far harder than most. When we are stricken with disappointment we need to rally the troops, take counter measures, change strategy and move on. If something isn’t working we must change the way we are doing it.

Success requires that we must face and relish the challenges that lie ahead. Adversity should be considered a normal pattern to life and not an unwanted catastrophe. Consider these as a sign that we must reform or change tactics and not that “I tried hard, didn’t succeed so I gave up”.

It becomes obvious that not only are motivation, inspiration, self confidence and optimism required to become that successful entrepreneur but resilience plays a very big part on that journey to success as well.

Fortunately these are personality traits that can be learned and developed and there is hope and optimism for us all.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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