Friday 27 March 2009

Love is in the Air

Love and our relationships are very precious and sometimes extremely fragile. At the beginning of a relationship we are walking on air. All seems right with the world and we seem invincible. But sooner or later that honeymoon period ends as familiarity sets in and the relationship becomes comfortable. This leads to taking our partner for granted which in turn causes resentment. Along with those annoying little things that our partner does, the relationship starts to head on a downward slope.

Does this sound familiar?

Are you taking the other half for granted or are you the one being taken for granted?

How can the downward slope be turned into the fantastic climb up the mountain of dreams?

At the beginning we would have observed all the positive attributes about her/him. Those gorgeous eyes, that fit body or the amazing sense of humour. The likelihood is there are still many of those positive attributes still present in our partner. Granted the bum may start to “look big in this” or the belly might be hanging over the belt but personality wise there remains many beautiful traits that first attracted us to our partners and some hidden ones will have emerged as well.

The little things that niggles us, how bad are they really?

Unless our partner has turned into a real life monster, those negative aspects can be ignored with the focus on the many great attributes our partner possesses. Realising that the significant other has some fantastic qualities enables us to focus on the good. Remembering the good times and the fact that you can still have those good times because you still have a lot in common with shared interests, will help the love to grow back into the relationship.

Being positive about our partner doesn’t just amount to what we view. Speak positively in their company. We have to compliment each other and talk about our hopes, our dreams and our aspirations. Focussing on where we want to go and how to achieve this creates fantastic energy and a desire to reach those goals together. As in any other aspect of personal development, being positive ultimately ends with positive results. The Law of Attraction dictates that.

Remember to take an interest in our partners. Finding out about how their day has been and really listening increases their respect for you. Ask them questions and truly listen to the response. Everybody loves to feel that their ideas and opinions mean something to somebody even if their interests revolve around Gillingham Football Club and you haven’t got the faintest interest in football.

Asking questions of our partner and devoutly listening to the answers could actually teach us something about them that we didn’t know. Our interests do change as we move on in life and our opinions do also change. Listening to what our partners have to say and understanding those opinions helps the relationship to evolve. This doesn’t mean to say that you have to agree with everything they say. Having a mind of our own and being able to think for ourselves is a healthy situation.

Both our partners and ourselves have strengths and weaknesses. These strengths and weaknesses will be different yet combining our strengths will provide for a stronger entity. Despite having the odd disagreements and slight difference of opinions we should never try to compete with each other. Trying to outdo the other and point score is a very damaging activity to follow. Playing mind games determines that somebody will be the winner and a partnership should be a win-win situation.

Practice gratitude. Being grateful for all we have is a very noble action but to express gratitude for all the good things in our relationships will again help the relationship to blossom. It enables us to focus on the positive and all good things come to those who believe that they can have them.

We mustn’t stifle our partners. As much as we are looking for the positives in our relationship, being with our partners night and day can prove suffocating. Every person needs the space to be themselves, this is healthy, but sharing some activities is also healthy for the relationship too.

A healthy, loving relationship creates self confidence and self esteem in us. It provides motivation and inspiration, optimism and hope and together we can face the world together.

How fantastic is that?

Terry Norrington

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